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WVDII Contest Winners Announced


June 25, 2020— In response to COVID-19, the West Virginia Drug Intervention Institute (WV DII), Inc. moved its popular medication safety initiative, Don’t Keep Rx Around™, online during Spring 2020. As part of this outreach, the WV DII also hosted a coloring contest to encourage parents and young children to engage in conversations about medication safety in the home. The program reached over 40,000 families in 13 West Virginia counties.

Three winners were chosen randomly and announced during a live broadcast on June 1, 2020. Each winner will receive $100 gift card, a bicycle and helmet, a day with Rex™ (WV DII’s Medication Safety Ambassador) for their classmates in Fall 2020, and digital signage for his school. These items will be delivered at each winners school with their parents and principal present on June 29th and July 30th.

Winners include:

• Jakobi Dye (Age 6), Anna Jarvis Elementary School, Tyler County (June 29, 3pm)

• Lucas Pickens (Age 7, Kenna Elementary School, Kanawha County (June 30, 1pm)

• Payton Craig (Age 6), Scott Teays Elementary School, Putnam County (June 30, 2:30pm)

“During this time of social distancing and stay at home orders, families are closer in proximity than ever before,” explained Dr. Susan Bissett, WV DII President. “Life is disrupted and medications may be more accessible to small children. We are taking this opportunity to educate families about medication safety and proper storage of medication.”

You can learn more about the program by visiting: or contacting the WV DII at 304-941-4182.




West Virginia Drug Intervention Institute, Inc. is an independent 501(C)(3) entity with a primary mission to reduce opioid and drug-related deaths by (a) preventing substance use through education, (b) reducing overdose deaths through naloxone distribution and training, and (c) supporting harm reduction and other drug-response efforts. 



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West Virginia Drug Intervention Institute, Inc.

118 Capitol Street

Charleston, WV 25301


Phone: (681) 205-2287



© 2020 by West Virginia Drug Intervention Institute, Inc.

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